SPACE JUNKAll space junk is the result of launching objects from Internation Space Station and it remains in orbit untill it re-enters the atmosphere. Some objects in lower orbits of a few hundred kilomerers can return quickly.

Space debris, also known as space junk or debris objects, refers to waste and fragments that are in Earth's orbit. This includes used rocket stages, decommissioned satellites, destroyed satellites, and other remnants left from space missions.

Space debris poses a serious problem for Earth's space infrastructure and satellite systems. Hundreds of thousands of large objects and millions of smaller fragments are moving at speeds of several kilometers per second, and even a small piece of debris can cause significant damage to spacecraft or satellites. Collisions with space debris can lead to destruction, creating even more debris.

To address the issue of space debris, measures for control and mitigation are being taken. For example, satellites and rockets are designed with safety measures in mind to minimize the creation of new debris during their deployment and after the completion of their missions. There are also ideas and projects for active debris removal, including the use of specialized spacecraft for debris collection or the use of lasers to alter the trajectory of debris and remove them from active orbits.

The problem of space debris requires international cooperation and continuous attention to ensure the safety and sustainability of space operations in the future.